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       1.TIME - NEGENTROPY - RELATIVITY       This is the First Chapter of writing about Luxury. We don't know how will this text finish, but here we open ourselves to chance. We will let this text to write itself; to be crumpled and unfinished at times, it will crack and flow consistently, and maybe once in a while, it will be done. This chapter should deal with time. But it should also deal with complexity, uncertainty, probability, relativity, entropy and negentropy. It will question history, a complex and non-linear system, which counts in endless feedback loops, couplings and interferences. What makes history non-linear, is that it only understands events when they are lived, effected, but never those who are becoming. The ‘event in its becoming ’ is the level of the historical fact/date that the (discursive) measuring devices of the historical sciences do not grasp. The becoming of the event ‘ has neither beginning nor end, but only a milieu. It is thus more geographical than historical’ (Deleuze). Can we therefore observe time outside the discursive measuring apparatus? The concept of 'history as becoming' tells us that if there is unity, it doesn't mean there is uniformity, but rather exploration of multiplicity, an analysis of variations.  Kulturfolger will in next two and a half months host events that are not islands one to another, with fixed boundaries, but rather actualizations of temporality, of fleetingness. They will have to interact to each other; with time they will sediment in the space, leaving residue, traces of their experimental nature. The result will be in becoming of the event, an opulent cornucopia of aggregations.     First Chapter on TIME - NEGENTROPY - RELATIVITY started on Sat 13-01-2018 6:00pm and it will end on Wed 28-03-2018 11:59pm.  Second section of the First Chapter will take place on Fri 19-01-2018 6:00pm with Sabine Maja Bremermann.




This is the First Chapter of writing about Luxury. We don't know how will this text finish, but here we open ourselves to chance. We will let this text to write itself; to be crumpled and unfinished at times, it will crack and flow consistently, and maybe once in a while, it will be done. This chapter should deal with time. But it should also deal with complexity, uncertainty, probability, relativity, entropy and negentropy.
It will question history, a complex and non-linear system, which counts in endless feedback loops, couplings and interferences. What makes history non-linear, is that it only understands events when they are lived, effected, but never those who are becoming. The ‘event in its becoming ’ is the level of the historical fact/date that the (discursive) measuring devices of the historical sciences do not grasp. The becoming of the event ‘ has neither beginning nor end, but only a milieu. It is thus more geographical than historical’ (Deleuze).
Can we therefore observe time outside the discursive measuring apparatus? The concept of 'history as becoming' tells us that if there is unity, it doesn't mean there is uniformity, but rather exploration of multiplicity, an analysis of variations.

Kulturfolger will in next two and a half months host events that are not islands one to another, with fixed boundaries, but rather actualizations of temporality, of fleetingness. They will have to interact to each other; with time they will sediment in the space, leaving residue, traces of their experimental nature. The result will be in becoming of the event, an opulent cornucopia of aggregations.
First Chapter on TIME - NEGENTROPY - RELATIVITY started on Sat 13-01-2018 6:00pm and it will end on Wed 28-03-2018 11:59pm.

Second section of the First Chapter will take place on Fri 19-01-2018 6:00pm with Sabine Maja Bremermann.

Earlier Event: January 13
Performance: EAT ME